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Within Me Lives An Animal


Within me lives an animal:

An ivory wolf

Of unmatched beauty;


She bares her teeth for no one

She likes to sleep beneath sycamore trees.


Within me dwells a beast;

Inky black and ebony

With big red teeth.


I don’t know where they came from~

But I’m a human host to them;

I only live for both of them.


I went to see the oracle

And with milk eyes she fearfully

Told me she could no longer see


I fled under the orange moon,

With razor claws and snarling breath

Upon my back,

All through the tangled thicket

Of mystic ancient woodlands.


As I reached the clearing, I cried out in agony

As they dug their thorny claws in me.


And as my ichor drained from me,

The earthy soil richly bloomed and soon began to flower.

There, from my wounds, they sprouted:

Ivy leaves and baneberries

Which soothed my weary mind to sleep.


Yet as I lay there bleeding, the wolves began to circle me,

With wretched grins and glowing eyes,

They sneered their muzzles towards the skies;


And from the stars I gazed at them:

An ivory wolf with big red teeth

And an ebony beast of unmatched beauty.


-Harmony Gibson

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